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iCon NeoPreAmp
iCon NeoPreAmp
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ganesh971 ganesh971
Published on 05/05/12 at 11:21
It is a dual preamp with each:
-1 XLR / jack (line and instrument) in front
-1 Controlled by a phantom power switch on the front
-1 Gain setting of 60db to +6 db front
-1 Output jack on the back
There is also an on / off button on the front
On my model, the inscriptions on output are reversed. I've realized by testing. Nothing serious. To err is human. The casing is metal and heavy.


My sound card (Lexicon Alpha) has only a mic and like I wanted to try to record my guitar with two pickups and preamp that was cheap, I got started. I use it also to record my bass with a microphone and direct entry into the post-preamp pedal stereo. I use that dynamic microphones.


I did not notice any difference in sound quality between the preamp and that of my sound card. No unwanted noise or hum. I use that dynamic microphones so I do not know no better than the phantom power.
The big difference with my sound card is for recording my bass. By plugging the bass on my amp and the instrument input of the soundcard using a stereo pedal, I had a rather unpleasant hissing in the amp. With this préamlpi, the whistle has disappeared.


I am completely satisfied. I hesitated a lot with other preamps like the Behringer or Art MP MC100, but finally in view of the various forums, I pulled on it.