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Renoise 2.6

Version 2.6 of Renoise 2.6 is now available.


What’s new?

Script everything using an open API: Lua is a light-weight programming language, which together with the Renoise API allows you to build add-ons.


Lua scripting, introduced as part of the beta cycle in July, has already resulted in new tools, as well as native support for the following hardware: AlphaTrack, BCF-2000, BCR-2000, KONTROL49, FaderPort, microKONTROL, nanoKONTROL, Launchpad, Remote SL-MKII, Nocturn, Monome, Ohm64, iPad via TouchOSC… All created by the Renoise community on their own dime, just for the fun of it.


Check out the new tools page for more: tools.renoise.com


Sample Autoseek: Samples have a new setting, “Autoseek”, which will, when enabled, make them behave like a traditional audio channel. You can start playing back the song at any position, and the sample will automatically seek to the current position in the song without having to be triggered.

And more:

  • Open Sound Control (OSC) Server Support.
  • Duplex – MIDI/OSC controller framework.
  • DSSI Support on Linux, 64-bit Linux Version.
  • Support for CAF, AIFC, SND and AU Files.
  • Linux & Mac OSX Performance Tweaks.
  • Minor usability and functionality refinements galore.
  • The full scoop, here: renoise.com/about/what-s-new-2–6.
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