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Roland KR 575: Midi-files or music ?

  • 3 replies
  • 2 participants
Topic Roland KR 575: Midi-files or music ?

Maybe someone can help me. I am Hans from Holland, 46 years old and we have a Roland KR575 digital piano for several years. We love to play the piano and love to listen to the samples in the memory.But I am looking everywhere for samples of midi files wich i can put on a diskette and run in the roland. Do you know where i have to look for midifiles or music for the roland kr575? My emailadress in Holland is: jwt_van_elmpt@orange.nl

Greetings, Hans.
You can find midifiles everywhere. all you have to do is type in "midifile" in google an you'll see. What is the style of music you're looking for.

If it's classical, a great site is: www.classicalarchives.com or www.classicalmidiconnection.com
Hi Kontiki,
Thanks for the help. In the demo of the Roland are different samples from classic till rock, pop music, moviesound and so on. So it doesn't matter what we can get. If it fitts for the Roland KR575 than we are very happy.
So normally any midifile (.mid) will work.