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Blade Texas Deluxe
Blade Texas Deluxe

STC-Shaped Guitar from Blade belonging to the Texas series

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Published on 09/17/07 at 12:46
Blade guitars are of Swiss origin, made in Korea, then return to Switzerland for final touches and Checker.

For CHARACTERISTICS, I recommend the site Blade Guitars.

- 2 micros simple, one Doubble
- Key rosewood
- Bass boost Bass and medium
- Gold finish
- Vibrato vintage

Regarding the specific "type" of the guitar is a "Start like" with the particularity of having a flat handle and suddenly faster. The humbucker adds the EHJV acute.

Mine is honey burst, trs pretty.


In use, everything is Start. Needless to add more.
Vintage vibrato and then use Fawn Pink Floyd.

The ergonomics are excellent, good balance and comfort.
Dplaiera to handle pure vintage lovers.

For sounds, they are deliberately neutral. The guiatre wants hyper flexible and suddenly the neutral point must exist. For indeed, the active electronic and new boosters will make more sounds good trs.

The output level is suprieur a Fender Start, so you can quickly saturate an amplifier.


This suits me because it Guitres rpond what I expected: a guitar that would fill gaps in my Strat US Std.

Trs Polyval sounds, many EHJV mediums booster, booster bass / treble for clear and rhythmic funk.

The only o it will show its limits, it is the pure tone vintage "CAAN", but that's not its purpose (Blade Texas Vintage makes for a).

In short everything is sent in a Classic 50 All Tube with TS, the Chorus and Boss delays.
So I n'emmne scne two guitars: a fender us and she and I have a pallette of sounds hyper complte.


So the purpose of this guitar to assist a silent US Fender and Les Paul for scne if ppins.
The thing is, it is so polyvlente for "small scnes". I n'emmnerai Start it and as they two, they cover all the spectra dj sound research.

I had all kinds of guitars, guitars in cardboard, Strats US ... I am delighted that Blade Texas Deluxe because it is not a "Start copy", it adds something really: run faster, more versatile sound, most slammin, more powerful.

For the quality is impcable. I will have no qualms about taking him scne and be proud instead. It may be that for small pubs and bars, I n'emmne it elsewhere.

What I like least? Su deluxe version, I saw a beefier vibrato.

In an excellent résumé guitar. Many people say it is the US Fender a lower price (700 euros) and it buries Mexican.
If you are a fan of your typical Fender Vintage forget. If you want to go and find a Strat del Polyval excellent quality and go for it.