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Fender Standard Stratocaster [1982-1986]
Fender Standard Stratocaster [1982-1986]

STC-Shaped Guitar from Fender belonging to the Stratocaster series

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« Fender Standard USA Stratocaster »

Published on 12/21/02 at 15:00
I payed £599 for my strat in a shop called gamlins after playing it for nearly an hour. being 14, i acquired the money from a relative and had to think hard on which guitar to buy. There were many mexican strats for pretty much the same price but after playing quite a few, i found the USA had the edge.

The neck is one of the best ive played and the frets are perfectly smoothed and easy on the finger. the build quality and feel of the guitar are impeccable. bends on even the lower frets are excellent.

when playing higher up the neck, the strings seem very close together when compared with gibsons and ibanez guitars, very similar to esps. The stock pickups weren't the best ive played but after paying 240 hard earned pounds on a set of EMGs the problem dissolved.(but at a great expense. when it comes to playability, i think my explorer has the edge

excellent construction. i would expect nothing less from a USA made fender. beats my explorer hands down for tone.

what else can i say? always think hard before buying a guitar and play it until u can decide whether or not it is for you.
i prefer fender, but you may not.

This review was originally published on http://www.musicgearreview.com