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Fender American Stratocaster [2000-2007]
Fender American Stratocaster [2000-2007]
KyssBlitz KyssBlitz
Published on 05/30/07 at 08:46
My Start is from USD.
It has 22 frets and the pickups are original.
an easel American Standard
3 knobs: Volume, Tone and Tbx, 5-way switch.
Maple neck, I think.


The handle is very enjoyable to play, compared to several "breadboard" I ...
one of the best guitar I try.
access to acute is not unbearable, far from it, but this guitar is not made to play all the time on the top of the handle ... The rest of the handle is really nice, but it is not a highway. Double tapping works but this is not the holy grail for this type of games.
The ergonomics are excellent, in my humble opinion: sitting, it's comfortable and it is in place, standing, pa it is too heavy, I do not feel it almost, and it is very nice!
Get a good sound with this guitar is simply FA-CI-IT!


This guitar responds very well for me, since I play at Hendrix Deep Purple, Rainbow through ... and even Metallica ...
I play with a Peavey Classic VT Series 100, something very old for an amp I think,
It may sound divinely with my strat: it's a really big and fat, with sharp snapping .. But I use my pedals over the "Bright" my amp Boss DS-2 Boss OD-2 Boss CE-5, and Dunlop GCB-95, which enables it to play the chameleon, moving from good to disto disto greasy much snapping and even a sound approach to ac-dc. Clearly, it is really great, it goes really creamy treble sounds a lot more outspoken ... and low levels it can send a lot.
For my part I like the big sound, very fat, but is rather sensitive to sound, I can not stand the treble too powerful, but it suits me, you have to modulate the sound. What is not so hard.


I use it for almost two years ... It was just "for" in a closet ...(^_^)
As a general rule, I like all the guitars ... But startocaster is really a great guitar, I like its shape, ergonomics, in short, is the perfect guitar, but obviously not for metal these days .
I tried other models, but it is really one of the best guitar.
It is rather expensive, but worth the cost.
I would do without hesitation that choice.
But since I already have one, I'll probably take me the other guitars that have very different characteristics, in order to play everything goes through my head, and with the sound I want.