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< All Fender Special Edition Lite Ash Stratocaster reviews
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Fender Special Edition Lite Ash Stratocaster
Fender Special Edition Lite Ash Stratocaster

STC-Shaped Guitar from Fender belonging to the Stratocaster series

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Dam25420 Dam25420
Published on 12/19/07 at 05:23

A fender that sends the bulk of its look by dja ...




This guitar is made to sound or light crunchy ... Never attempt to break the pa Acdc Guns with it or not his area. But against all that is for blues or jazz it hard!
I personally head the branch in an Engl Ritchie Blackmore (100 watt all-tube) with two baffles Marshall Lead 1960, she released her an edge, mtallique, the Stevie Ray Vaughan.
Its clear as it is beautiful ... Just crunch the bridge pickup sounds a bit dry and screaming, it's the one I use least.
I read the reviews: DSOL guys but this guitar is the Fender sound! I try Mexican Strats before: the Lite ash is well above!


I use it for one week: that happiness!
What my tilt in this guitar is its look: it dmarque other vintage Strats without losing the sound ...
I got it for 500 new. His report price is exellent quality: this guitar has all the arguments really going for it. I repeat that choice without hsitation