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Fender Special Edition Lite Ash Stratocaster
Fender Special Edition Lite Ash Stratocaster

STC-Shaped Guitar from Fender belonging to the Stratocaster series

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Scribbler12000 Scribbler12000
Published on 10/17/07 at 12:43
Manufacturing Core
Body inhibits the marshes known as "lightweight"
Saddle moouchet handle modern type C
(Satin Polyurethane Finish)
9.5 Radius (241mm)
Frets 22 Medium Jumbo frets
Pickups: Seymour Duncan APS-1N, APS-1RWRP, APS-1B, (Neck / Middle / Bridge) (APS = Alnico Pro Staggered)
Controls Master Volume,
Tone 1. (Neck Pickup),
Tone 2. (Middle / Bridge Pickups)
Pickup Switching 5-Position Blade:
Position 1. Bridge Pickup
Position 2. Bridge and Middle Pickup
Position 3. Middle Pickup
Position 4. Middle and Neck Pickup
Position 5. Neck Pickup
Bridge 2-Point Synchronized Tremolo
Machine Heads Cast / Sealed Tuning Machines
Pickguard 1-Ply Black
Abalone inlays

Mine is vintage white, I might be prfr black but I took what was and finally I like it.
The neck and fingerboard are really beautiful. The bridges are amricains type.
Unlike what I read my own silent livrergle nothing wrong.
The history of the pickguard is really because it's a quibble but also ply pais as 3 ply. There are some who must spend their time looking for the small bte is not possible!


The neck is super: dj sumptuous and extremely enjoyable.
The frets are jumbo say plutt thin allowing a low action and a set ais.
Access in acute is as easy as the other sleeves type C.
I thought I frne marshes lightweight lightweight but the silent frankly I do not see any diffrence with the other models alder body. As against what is enjoyable is to feel the vibrations through the body of the guitar: it is one with. I never had that feeling before.
Gnral good ergonomics.
Obviously we get a good sound right away, it's not for nothing that exists Fender!


We are dealing Seymour Duncan pickups: typs "modern": sr is that the sound is not the same as the standard stratos. L is the intrt of this guitar, if you have to take an other models.
I use an amp H & K Matrix 100 Watts, excellent and a multi-effects Zoom G2.1u o we go out all sounds.
It is clear that this guitar is not for the hard or mtal, but with little gain or modlisations not clean the sound is pchu.
I play a lot of pop-rock, nothing mchant.
I mainly play with the microphone in position 3 that best fits that, having my ears. Position 5 is smooth and the 1st is too "Deutsche" I can not get used to it.
So to blame plutt that this guitar to sound like no other, know that good people are diffrent Stratocaster each other, and if so it is DIFFERENT microphones for sounds much Different. So if you buy a Lite Ash APRS to complain that the sound is not quite vintage: rflchissez: you had to buy a stratovolcano with vintage microphones. If so has there!
A lite ash is to have a more modern sound, allowing versatility.
Remember to try before you buy it? Nan because when you read the comments you wonder sometimes!


I use it for several months.
I like his good looks, excellent finish, the sound aspect Different.
I have lots of MODEL and I really versatility.
I bought it around 400 in nine state still in its packing carton, so that mean?
Of course I do it again this election!