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Published on 12/19/09 at 07:35
Best value:
Bought 1year ago, modified a year later, Ben is super standard strat ...
Fender Stratocaster Standard Mexico-Channel maple fingerboard and very very comfortable (1 room) with access to acute correct (it is a normal stratum) alder body color Olympic White
Flip-vintage mechanical oil bath ... additions Straplock Dunlop
"I've changed the pickups and put Fender SCN (Samarium Cobalt Noiseless) sending fir ... ... Three simple shielded electron ...
A Master and 2-tone, 5 position selector
-The interface is nickel, thank you Leo =)
That as classical, simple, but the mere will-he not DEFOIS best??
So then I said, it's all good ... Question ergonomic handle or I'm going to say anything because it is a stratum, it is incredible comfort, both in terms of race (and what round) that body. Access to the treble is very easy (must be used for the last boxes, but hey) ... And sound, well it's strat you love, or not ...
A la la, the sound of the stratum, but what wonder, is already the poyvalence appointments, and the Start sound, too, the microphones I liked very origins, in sound, but I was not very well defined and acute crillards ... I changed the kit to a kit for Fender SCN (Samarium Cobalt Noiseless) found on the U.S. deluxe strat, and there's moves, the sound is precise, more parasites, the serious hot, do not break the treble more ears, but even more niack, and disto is better withstand ... but with good microphones origins, the sound is quite good too, but less defined ... I play blues-rock to Clapton, Hendrix or Vaughan, Pink Floyd and the Hard-Rock to Depp Purple (Blackmore ah = p) and acdc, ben and his place as a letter in the mail, c niquel After blocking the SSS for harder music but that's not his record too ... I love the 5 position for the warm sound and bluesy hendrix, 4 for a warm sound with dynamics, it is 2 for single stratum (Pink Floyd, Mark Knopfler) and I love him with acute again with the SNA because his attack well disto ...
Briefly Fender we not lie with this guitar, the use and comfort ESTT remarkable sound strat is a true stratum that price is good ... And the sound is good, apart from the microphones Acute crillard is too, but after a change of pickups, you approach the sisters ... The U.S. is exellent value for money, but try it anyway at the store before you buy, there are also bad guitars, but very also good (2 guitars manufactured in the same time not sound like) ... If I were doing this would be without hesitation!
Fender Stratocaster Standard Mexico-Channel maple fingerboard and very very comfortable (1 room) with access to acute correct (it is a normal stratum) alder body color Olympic White
Flip-vintage mechanical oil bath ... additions Straplock Dunlop
"I've changed the pickups and put Fender SCN (Samarium Cobalt Noiseless) sending fir ... ... Three simple shielded electron ...
A Master and 2-tone, 5 position selector
-The interface is nickel, thank you Leo =)
That as classical, simple, but the mere will-he not DEFOIS best??
So then I said, it's all good ... Question ergonomic handle or I'm going to say anything because it is a stratum, it is incredible comfort, both in terms of race (and what round) that body. Access to the treble is very easy (must be used for the last boxes, but hey) ... And sound, well it's strat you love, or not ...
A la la, the sound of the stratum, but what wonder, is already the poyvalence appointments, and the Start sound, too, the microphones I liked very origins, in sound, but I was not very well defined and acute crillards ... I changed the kit to a kit for Fender SCN (Samarium Cobalt Noiseless) found on the U.S. deluxe strat, and there's moves, the sound is precise, more parasites, the serious hot, do not break the treble more ears, but even more niack, and disto is better withstand ... but with good microphones origins, the sound is quite good too, but less defined ... I play blues-rock to Clapton, Hendrix or Vaughan, Pink Floyd and the Hard-Rock to Depp Purple (Blackmore ah = p) and acdc, ben and his place as a letter in the mail, c niquel After blocking the SSS for harder music but that's not his record too ... I love the 5 position for the warm sound and bluesy hendrix, 4 for a warm sound with dynamics, it is 2 for single stratum (Pink Floyd, Mark Knopfler) and I love him with acute again with the SNA because his attack well disto ...
Briefly Fender we not lie with this guitar, the use and comfort ESTT remarkable sound strat is a true stratum that price is good ... And the sound is good, apart from the microphones Acute crillard is too, but after a change of pickups, you approach the sisters ... The U.S. is exellent value for money, but try it anyway at the store before you buy, there are also bad guitars, but very also good (2 guitars manufactured in the same time not sound like) ... If I were doing this would be without hesitation!