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Ibanez RG2550E
Ibanez RG2550E

STC-Shaped Guitar from Ibanez belonging to the RG Prestige series

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alexis05 alexis05
Published on 08/24/08 at 01:48
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The handle is a bomb I don not like the word but sy highway moves without any problem c is sublime
the access is very simple acute day guitars have rarely seen or had access to more acute than on the
it is lightweight
and c the sound is the most versatile guitar that I have tried until now and I've tried it in a package no matter what you play on it


I play death / black and is perfect for ca m it comes to playing blues or jazz and single us out the microphone sound perfect for ca
I've tried the store on a single head was correct mesa boogie happiness
we get all the sound with this guitar
I love the whole sounds of the scratches


J loves all of the scratches
value for money is exellent for a 1200 euros as to say that c is a matter