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Ibanez RG320FM
Ibanez RG320FM

STC-Shaped Guitar from Ibanez belonging to the RG Standard series

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Feuille73 Feuille73
Published on 04/01/05 at 02:51
Dja It's been a while since I played it. I refer you to sites spcialiss any technical information.


The neck is super flat, come by the fender where the bars are rather hot. The rgonomie is well suited to play the entire round. The weight is ass lg. Nothing like a gibson, or even a fender.


Personally, I always jou of marshall. I had a MG100DFX, and I pass on all lamps, a JCM 2000. I play punk rock, and I must say that the sound is not dgueux. Biensur good, micro is not top notch, but if you're like me and you put a DiMarzio Tone Zone .... hair care!


It's been 3 years so I play it, and from the original sound, I have no criticism to make this guitar. Easy to play, lgre a good look ...... If I had to redo the Coix I do, and as I did, I will change the microphone. APRS ca ..... nothing wrong