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Ibanez RG350DX
Ibanez RG350DX

STC-Shaped Guitar from Ibanez belonging to the RG Standard series

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alexmgs alexmgs
Published on 05/28/08 at 11:13
-Made in Indonesia
-24 Frets
INF-in microphones in HSH Ibanez (5 positions)
Easel Floyd "edge pro III"
-1 Tone, 1 volume, 5 positions
Wizard II neck-


The handle is really nice, the jumbo frets are good (not as a dean at € 200 for example). the guitar has a very good cut very nice, and access to acute is really fast thanks to the Wizard II neck. As for the cons, the microphones are not core really great but they can still have good versatility.


The sound is not really the strong point of this guitar, the pickups INF are not high end but we have some versatility with 5 positions. I do that I used the micro acute and very few of the other two.
I opted for a kit Zakk Wylde EMG pickups (EMG 81/85) and it makes more bluntly, I have less flexibility, but the sound is extra on my VOX AD50-VT, it's a good guitar for the Metal cheap (600 € in the end).


I use it for almost a year now and I'm a fan of Ibanez guitars, if I should buy me one it will be the same model but Prestige version and why not custom?
the quality / price: Ibanez's for cheap I think we still have a very good guitar in hand, well finished and comfortable, here are just the pickups and fasteners that I changed (EMG 81 / 85 straplocks)