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Ibanez RG350DX
Ibanez RG350DX

STC-Shaped Guitar from Ibanez belonging to the RG Standard series

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jefonyx jefonyx
Published on 01/16/08 at 10:44
24 frets-round shark teeth and white binding
Channel wizard II
-Pickups: two doubles and a single INF 3 and 4
Vibrato Floyd-type: Ibanez Edge III


I play mostly progressive metal

Level using this guitar, if properly set, turns out to be very nice, round, flat end, good balance. Access to treble is very good at it anyway Ibanez I've found the best access to acute on set neck guitars, because the small heel round begins at the end of the 18th box, c ' is a box won over Cort X Series or Jackson for example with a square heel, preventing play contortionist to reach the 24th square.

The selector is positioned to the rapid changes and the volume and tone knobs do not interfere when we play.

The big downside of this guitar, and I think on other guitars serial rg3xx it must be about the same: it is the Floyd (Bridge and locknuts).
For me the holes of the block rope are on the verge of giving up the ghost (and I'm not a nag allen key yet), and the Edge III tremolo while very enjoyable to play proved to be materials composed of mystics who have made it no problem at all in agreement! For more details look here http://lawl.net/gtr/trems
For my part I replaced it with an OFR that fits pil hair and that works very well after the basic settings.


Sound level microphones INF3 and 4 are biting fairly well balanced and good but the output level is a bit laughable. Since I play progressive metal I do not see myself continuing with this micro there: I opted for Dimarzio Breed and Area61 and then of a sudden it was something else!
The sustain is not great but good for the price they are not specially selected woods.


I use this guitar for 8 months now is a guitar that has an excellent violin for the price: The handle has not moved into action and won with Original Floyd
If one has the chance, they just fall on a good run when the varnish is spread over the handle and place where the floyd years (mouais. ..).

I chose this guitar for its looks absolutely beautiful, because it is ergonomically very well thought out for metal, and with experience I remake this choice because it is really pretty!