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Ibanez RG350DX
Ibanez RG350DX

STC-Shaped Guitar from Ibanez belonging to the RG Standard series

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flohard flohard
Published on 04/19/06 at 18:57
Body-colored beaded pearly white plaque
Channel Wizard II
-24 Boxes reasons pearly light
Vibrato type-floyd "Edge III"
INF3 IBZ (H) Channel
INFS3 IBZ (S) Medium
Inf4 IBZ (H) Bridge

Made in Indonesia

Move the switch completely down and put the tone for a thoroughly clean sound.


A nice round can easily go around it with acute simple, the Forli is perfect for my taste and the weight heavy enough as well but nothing serious, we get a good sound easily fits the guitar for all types of Amp.


Sounds pretty-pleasing, it is well suited to my style of music I regret a little microphones, so I'll change them by DiMarzio.

Jou-I with a 75 watt amp line6 pedal and a Korg effects ax10g.

"I get it's pretty rock and a net at a time.

-I prefer the sound rock.

<p class="bbcode-offtopic"> Off topic: <span>As I said my mics do not totally satisfied, that's her I'll change by DiMarzio because at least I would have a great sound with a guitar thunder, advice if you buy it change the microphones within a few months.</span>


I use it for 3 months I am completely satisfied with this guitar, I find it is elegant, I love everything about this guitar except the one that I believed it is better than it is that a tiny detail.

"I had to try the Fender Squier unsuccessfully, an unsuccessful ltd, a Rockline lag either and one another ibanez more expensive but much less successful.

-The price, I said too much you do not realize how much she has done well at timber corp, I'd stick dealer I sell over 600 euro

Me who is a guitarist for some time and then I levels, and that choice again without hesitation, I am very satisfied with this guitar.