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Ibanez RG370DX
Ibanez RG370DX

STC-Shaped Guitar from Ibanez belonging to the RG Standard series

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Published on 07/12/07 at 07:58
Guitar factory in Indonsie.
Basswood body.
Saddle handle screwed wizard II 24 jumbo frets and 25.5 ".
Ibanez Pickups: 3 cramique Infinity humbucker in the neck position
Infinity s3 alnico single in the middle
Infinity humbucker alnico in the bridge position 4
Vibrato Ibanez Floyd EdgeIII type.
One volume knob and one Tone.
Slecteur 5 positions.

At first glance, well finished guitar parat. But if we will see in the cavities or micro-vibrato, the makers have s'aperoit indonsiens are not in lace! The parties caches are raw wood: no varnish, let alone paint.
Also, I was surprised to see a big crit "7" to the felt below the springs holding the vibrato! A, the big production!

Apart from this, the RG is really nice in black. Overlays "shark teeth" are trsrussies. I recall that I bought 400.

But after a year of life, the guitar begins to fall pice! But I will speak later.


In terms of ergonomics, it's really impressive!
Guitar perfectly push the body (especially feet). In addition, it is really lgre: even with an afternoon of APRS rpetition, one remains fit and it is not broke in two!
The handle WizardII is really good, although too late for me (I've found six months APRS ...). This is especially acute in the ACCS is amazing! You can still buggers at the bottom of the handle!
The above anything wrong.

Only true vibrato is a wound. The first string change I made at least 2 hours on rgler! When finally in place, not bad but I do not know why, it seems fragile.

Well after 10 months, I was rponse: poor quality wood type vibrato Floyd + = 0!
Indeed, two large screws that hold the springs themselves are the same block tremolo (what a Floyd). And one day while using this same vibrato, a loud noise is heard from the guitar. J'enlve the cavity being protected plastic vibrato and, surprise, one of the screws tore the wood that held him. So they had to screw it back so he could take.
Vibrato is unusable as it is shooting up and that any guitar Entire fragilis.
Great is not it?

In terms of sound, are rglages-simple (see below).


This guitar is ultra versatile. She who should play everything (which is a little bit in my case). In fact, the Ibanez pickups have no personality. They are neutral, but in a good way.

The neck pickup is one of the three microphones that convinced me the most. Clearly, with lots of bass, good sound jazzy and greedy emerge. But do not put the gain above 10 as this is an infamous Boullie.

The bridge pickup is plutt "capricious". Indeed, it is sensitive to trs of Tone knob. I used to put it back. With the RG I stop But overall, this mic is good. The distorted sounds are the same Black Sabbath trs good.

The microphone is no simple! Its sounds are like those of a low-end synthtiseur! The mdiums are my ears, too "creuss". I do not frankly know what to play it. on the other hand, if you mix with humbuckers, there are clear sounds interrssant trs.

At home I play on Marshall MG100 is a Boss DS-1 for solos. In RPET I use an old Digitech RP-1 branch of a mixer and large cabinet or on the Peavey all-tube of my friend.

The big advantage of these microphones is their versatility.
Their default is that it is an important time to find the sound that we interrsse and they do not own characters.


It's been a year that I have this guitar and I rammene at my dealer. When I is exposed the problem of vibrato, he said he has never seen a guitar for only 1 year.
In addition, the wood is so mdiocre one of straplocks has simply made the trunk: as the Screw vibrato, he pulled out.
I would point out that my guitar has suffered any ill-treatment, despite numerous transport, I was always being protected. But wood is a resounding crap, so ...

So if you want to play guitar for no more than a year, while having his trs versatile, RG 370dx this is for you!
And with the exprience, if you give me a new one, I sold it directo!

PS: I bought an Ibanez rcemment SZ520qm Used EMG 81/60a team and was a marvel!