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Ibanez SA160QM [2001-2005]
Ibanez SA160QM [2001-2005]

STC-Shaped Guitar from Ibanez belonging to the SA Standard series

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hell's ducks hell's ducks
Published on 01/08/06 at 04:02
First of all, this guitar is team of two single coils and a double in the bridge position
Floating tremolo Ibanez
volume and tonalitbr /> 5-way switch
handle end and a little rounded off the full length ... regale the


The handle is trs pleasant and all notes are available
The beautiful is the point of view ergonomics, trs well supplied:
Spacious-cutting at the rear of the corp,
One little tiny default it can slide forward if we do not blunder (also found on the series js)
We get the right sound easy (just have your fingers to make the beast roar and sometimes are not even need that lol)


I play with all the scratches ... rock to hard to trash a Boss OS-2 and the result means especially with a tube amp but even on Lampl transistor, the grain is trsgnreux microphones. Apart from a simple soufflemant on simple, which incidentally does not matter because the simple intending to sound more clear than in saturated and clear sound it produces no blowing. all times are a simple change if the level and quality of the ear of Gitari increases. for this change I think the DiMarzio or Seymour Duncan remplassants are worthy of this guitar that begs to be grown in large saturation.
On this point we can say that 160 complies with its name, let me explain: the saturation literally sing the notes scroll with remarkable accuracy for such a price.
Be told that this does not scratch the expressions in a guitar: we hear that crap sometimes lol!
On the other hand, this guitar can any good come out of accobaties simpa '
It can also sound very much quieter in registers such as the blues, but are not chosen field.


I tried bcp other models before buying and Crelle the only one who has that price lbr /> can offer this level of finisher
-The whistle of simple but must not make a fuss
-Snapping sounds
The weight-
It versatilitbr /> Try shaking your comblbr /> ps: put the drop in D you tell me the news
And do not forget: "LIFE IS TOO SHORT TO PLAY ON scratched MERDE3