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Jackson DKMGT Dinky
Jackson DKMGT Dinky

STC-Shaped Guitar from Jackson belonging to the MG series

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Bryan.Orion Bryan.Orion
Published on 06/23/08 at 07:26
I bought this guitar a week ago to the day after having quite a look around and have a lot hsit (I m'tait dpart turns to a les paul vixen) I ' I tried for half an hour on a Marshall JVM 410H head, and I obviously bewitched t mine is matt black and extremely beautiful ^ ^

A product of Japanese manufacture,
24 medium frets and the EMGs rennoms active with 81 and 85 via the switch 3 position a round and a dry
the strings are through-and the handle is screwed (nine for 750 we will not have a driver mache)
One volume knob and one Tone is simple
One wonders how to make a work of art more beautiful than it is, well he just adds a reverse head just for your viewing pleasure, as far as I did not have before it it did in 5 min.

Before this I had a guitar
Beginners I stress as a c'tait Jim Harley telecaster copy with the original pickups and mechanical moving constantly so as not to remain accordbr />
I put 9 / 10 "for this beautiful work"


As I said above so I had a telecaster imitation and when I tried jackson I found the handle much thinner but it is very fast and then what a pleasure to play on!

The handle is specially STUDY radius to keep a perfect and allow access to the treble very simple, this guitar is made for speed, someone like me who plays the heavy very quickly see the huge potential of this guitar, some say it do not have a floyd and therefore it is "No!" and I would both better now because I am not a floyd useful absolute, a fun 5 minutes But soon a shit and you lose sustain, the guitar is quite light (3.5 kg ~ 4kg) and type strato no longer ADFinance

Turning to her we are here in a metal guitar and dedicates to nothing micro are proof of "living" well-rounded sound for solos in the dry with a big fat riff metallica everything is (a volume + tone = a plug & play)

8 / 10 I would still have liked a neck-^ ^


This guitar is perfect for my style of music, the microphones are well out these beautiful palm mute these beautiful riff that make the history of metal (Metallica, Iron Maiden, Black Sabbath, too)
the clean sound is not ugly either it is even rather enjoyable
I play a Peavey ValveKing 100w and I have a zoom gfx 3,
the distos are great when the rest is the same, the bass and treble are clear its crystalline properties do not grsille, this guitar suits me perfectly as an amateur, but I believe it should susi equally property has a professional


A superb level scratching for money, the only small snag is the knob of the sound is a little difficult but good fix would go for a walk with my luthier prfr and what will soon be that's ancient history!