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Phoenix Guitars STC 33
Phoenix Guitars STC 33
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dire_straits45 dire_straits45
Published on 07/19/06 at 06:07
- Made in Asia
- 22 frets, 3 single coil pickup
- 1 volume knob, Tone 2 button slecteur 5 position
- Rosewood handle with key


- Handle very enjoyable for that price
- The highs are very very sharp one small weak point of the utilistaion
- Stratocaster shape, weight normal for this type of guitar
- A good sound s'obtien easily with a good amp and a good guitarist


- It should parafaitement to my style of music is pop / rock alternative rock
- I play with an amp and a Marshall Valvestate Vs100r multi-effects pedals Korg AX3G.
- This gives any style of sound DSIR knowing rgler and his guitar and amp
- Very good clean sound spit no, sorry just a little humbucker that would be welcome but ...


- I use it since I started its been so easy two years.
- I love the ease with which even a small beginners can play with it inpresionnant!
- I try before I did not like Ibanez tro n'arivait not because I was having the sound I wanted.
- If I had to buy a guitar for beginners or to replace another dfaillante in the same price range that I would resume the free hsiter
- Report quality very very good price.
I wish prciser it's a label the same way as Fender Squier. In the same fte Richwood guitars but a guitar manufactured in Asia or name DIFFERENT

I put just nine for the lack of a micro coil douyble