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Yamaha Pacifica PAC112
Yamaha Pacifica PAC112

STC-Shaped Guitar from Yamaha belonging to the Pacifica series

canard34 canard34
Published on 01/07/08 at 07:31
Value For Money : Excellent
All told prcdemment t adj.
I have a dtail pacifica 112V with double splittable. It is a good option. The knob lightweight but I think the microphone is in both configurations.


Channel super enjoyable is what was partly motivated my choice
The frets may be a bit high (a little aggressive for the fingers)
excellent ergonomics, contrary to what some have experienced, I find lgre (jou that I had an old Fender Stratocaster)
good sound versatile


It's versatile architecture
I use a VOX AD30VT with. The diffrent configurations of microphones and amplifiers premettent me out a multitude of sounds Different. It allows me to play any style

I love the humbucker in bridge and just run. I never use the microphone simple medium alone. I prefer that the handle or both simultaneously


I use it for months qq
I love his versatility and range of sounds available
report quality price is excellent!
this choice I would do without hesitation!
I think even if one day I buy another guitar I will keep it even when the ...