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Tornade MS Pickups Strat '50s
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Published on 03/18/12 at 10:04
How long you use it?

It's been two weeks.

Did you tried many other models before buying it?

I have several Strato with lots of different mics, Seymour, Fender.

What is so special that you love the most, least?

What I like most is the sound of slamming Vintage Strat, I brought up these pickups on a Strat Mexican edition 50, daphne blue, well this is the same guitar.

The least:? by yet found!

How would you rate the quality / price?
With experience, you do again this choice? ...

The value for money is simply very good, I seek his vintage Strat and Marc Ms Pickup advised me to put a microphone kit 50 S that the handle of my guitar is a mapple, he assured me of having a slamming her, but not acute edged screaming in acute as is often the case on micro industrial!

I waited before putting a notice to try it on a lamp amps fender hot rod deluxe high volume without effect just guitar and amp with some reverb, just a killer result, the microphones high volume give sounds I had never had before and allow interventions guitar much more present and especially it's just good to the ears ........... in short with these pickups have is in another category of gear for amateur true vintage sounds, to put in the hands of guitarists who like guitars that lead us automatically to the nuances of sounds, playing without ever losing a beat.

I remake that choice without hesitation, in fact I think take a set micro L series
MS Tornado pickup, to put on another one of my strats but with a rosewood handle. I ressayé my other strat, but it is now that I've tasted
microphones in hand made, I really feel something is missing! Thank you Marc is a great job!

to advise without moderation!