Tornade MS Pickups Strat '50s - " of the ball!"
translatedI changed the pickups in my Start Plus to a set 50's .. its true Fender finally we model as you want .. soft, silky, crystalline, and sharp teeth but also by altering the mix of microphones and tones…
Tornade MS Pickups Strat ’60s Serie L - " The power of the Fonk!"
translatedI set up the microphones there is a little less than a month, and I try to take my time to test before a final opinion. I was finally able to test them on my amp (vox) at high power to see what it ga…
Tornade MS Pickups Strat ’60s Serie L - " I say M-!"
translatedI have a Stratocaster Deluxe US in 2005 and since a certain time the idea of changing his microphone kept running through my head. This is the first guitar that I offered at that time and I did not…
Tornade MS Pickups Strat ’60s Serie L - " His "Gallagher" perfect! ..."
translatedSimply excellent. J'tais on a project to transform a Stratocaster Squier "Classic Vibe 60" "Custom-House Shop Rory Gallagher". APRS a long search for the microphones, I opt for "Tornado". I just …
Tornade MS Pickups Strat ’60s Serie L - " Grain vintage!"
translatedI mounted this set of pickups on a Start new MJT alder body with light and rosewood handle. I had read that the mikes on the right, but starting on a new guitar and microphones nine, I was eager to t…
Tornade MS Pickups Strat ’60s Serie L - " sound beyond my expectations"
translatedit's been a while since I was not happy with my sound and I was looking for a solution. The guitarist in my group told me to go see Marc Small talk with Marc and voila a proposal tailored to my s…
Tornade MS Pickups Strat '50s - " excellent"
translatedThis kit is mounted on a Fender Telecaster 57 RI I love this guitar but with these pickups is the feeling 10 times Quote Marc (Tornado MS): "These pickups highlight the crystalline sound of the …
Tornade MS Pickups Strat ’60s Serie L - lifo's review
translatedI own this set for several months. Here are the models I tried first: Fender Custom Shop 69 Fender Texas Special, Seymour and Lollar vintage. These microphones TORNADO offers a true and beautiful sou…
Tornade MS Pickups Strat ’60s Serie L - plectro's review
translatedA set mounted on a strat USA 96 (50. Anniversary). The sound is rich, full, round and never aggressive (although the bridge pickup is used, it does not have this side "garish" and unpleasant as it ha…
Tornade MS Pickups Strat ’60s Serie L - " Microphones pros affordable"
translatedI spent last week in Mark, the manufacturer of microphones, which I installed itself this set of pickups on a Stratocaster (Fender not) of average quality which suddenly became the best of my guitars…
Tornade MS Pickups Strat ’60s Serie L - " Series it"
translatedI called three weeks ago Marc for more info and the first contact is with an enthusiast who takes the time to explain, what we really want and answer all questions even if we have lot;) So I ordered…
Tornade MS Pickups Strat ’60s Serie L - " Start Pickups 60's shop at the occasion"
translatedMarc I mounted a set of microphones to a standard strat who knew a lot of other mics. It was equipped with 57/62, the '69 Fender CS, Bare Knuckle Irish Tour and Lindy Fralin Vintage Hot. These micr…