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[AES] Chandler Limited RS124

Today, Chandler Limited launches the Abbey Road RS124 tube compressor, to begin shipping mid November 2015.

The Chandler Limited RS124 Compressor is not one, but three historic Abbey Road RS124 in a single complete unit.

Through the years, from incomplete information and supposition, some have tried to recreate the RS124 compressor, though never fully realizing the elusive signal processor.

Schematics themselves only told part of the story, and access to Abbey Road Studios’ historic units and various hand written modification notes would prove paramount towards understanding the true nature of the Abbey Road RS124 compressor, and variances between units.

The RS124, a “variable-mu” compressor, and its multiple personalities, was never commercially available outside of Abbey Road Studios, until now.

Specs include:

  • Mono channel
  • Tube circuit (6BC8,6CG7, 6AL5)
  • XLR (pin 2 hot) input and output
  • Transformer balanced I/O (custom wound)
  • Variable input control and output attenuator (stepped special order)
  • Selectable, stepped Attack (9 settings, including 3 Abbey Road Historic serial numbers)
  • Selectable, stepped Recovery (6 settings, and HOLD)
  • SuperFuse (switchable mode)
  • Output Impedance: 200/600 ohms (switchable)
  • Stereo linkable through standard 1/4″ jack
  • Internal power supply

Announced MSRP is $2875. More details at chandlerlimited.com.

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