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Sennheiser HD 201
Sennheiser HD 201

Studio headphone from Sennheiser belonging to the HD series

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dookieW dookieW
Published on 08/12/06 at 06:32
- How long have you use it?
I use it for about 3 days (enough to appreciate the quality)

- What is the particular feature you like best and least?
The +:-The sound quality for this range of headphones (to buy a hub!)
Well-wishes on the head
The -:-Foam middle ears (too hard)
The strap-head can hurt after a prolonged time of use

- Have you tried many other models before acqurir?
in this price range, I took over CHARACTERISTICS (because you can not try the headphone hub)

- How do you report qualitprix?
It is very good! It is certainly not a monitoring headphones but, for beginners or even if you can not afford, it's better than the headphones.
This headphone does not cover very well the serious, the medium, and treble boost, but the sound is clear.
- With the exprience, you do again this choice? ...
For this price I think Sennheiser is a trusted brand because it is also that of pro headphones, and with it can appreciate music and make the lightweight mix.