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Sennheiser HD 270

All user reviews for the Sennheiser HD 270

Studio headphone from Sennheiser belonging to the HD series

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  • martini_birdmartini_bird

    Sennheiser HD 270Published on 06/15/04 at 03:38
    (This content has been automatically translated from French)
    I use these headphones for 3 years. The report is honorable qualitprix: around 100 euros, is a product that is still to be shot (at least) essay. It's a closed headphone. Say anything at Resistors: it must be done to the gun expr.
    Prvoir is best for low to medium volume COST: after two hours of high volume, bass take over and very tired. It's not a headphone for deaf, just the opposite: clear the fans (in my case), prservez your sheets with a noise level not too lev.
    This headphone is not suitable for monitoring, it's just a good headphone costs. (In any fawn, I think a good pair of speakers is better suited to monitoring, although this headphone can make a MUCH complmentaire).
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    I use these headphones for 3 years. The report is honorable qualitprix: around 100 euros, is a product that is still to be shot (at least) essay. It's a closed headphone. Say anything at Resistors: it must be done to the gun expr.
    Prvoir is best for low to medium volume COST: after two hours of high volume, bass take over and very tired. It's not a headphone for deaf, just the opposite: clear the fans (in my case), prservez your sheets with a noise level not too lev.
    This headphone is not suitable for monitoring, it's just a good headphone costs. (In any fawn, I think a good pair of speakers is better suited to monitoring, although this headphone can make a MUCH complmentaire).
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  • opentuningopentuning

    Sennheiser HD 270Published on 02/15/05 at 06:30
    (This content has been automatically translated from French)
    I have these headphones for 2 years. I changed it once because that too accidentally shot on the cable (dcablage), I had the gun that will connect the other ear.

    But this headset is super strong because I can not count the times I o I o tomb dcabl pulling on the cable too ...
    In addition, it is enjoyable for a trs wearing glasses or someone who has big ears (no luck, I accumulate!), Which is rarely the case with other headphones I test .
    Another point, the insulation is a good drummer, even for a hitter. For monitoring, even if it is not his crneau, trs is effective for cleaning of tracks and effects.

    In short, for the price, it makes good service. May be that now, just for rpeter…
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    I have these headphones for 2 years. I changed it once because that too accidentally shot on the cable (dcablage), I had the gun that will connect the other ear.

    But this headset is super strong because I can not count the times I o I o tomb dcabl pulling on the cable too ...
    In addition, it is enjoyable for a trs wearing glasses or someone who has big ears (no luck, I accumulate!), Which is rarely the case with other headphones I test .
    Another point, the insulation is a good drummer, even for a hitter. For monitoring, even if it is not his crneau, trs is effective for cleaning of tracks and effects.

    In short, for the price, it makes good service. May be that now, just for rpeter as a drummer, try a vic firth or AKG K109, but not sure they are as enjoyable.
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  • lateralus99lateralus99

    Sennheiser HD 270Published on 11/04/06 at 05:26
    (This content has been automatically translated from French)
    Hello all, I use this product myself recently, and I am convinced by this one trs, in terms of its rendering, and rendering when mixing.

    see you later.
  • batdan2batdan2

    Sennheiser HD 270Published on 11/23/06 at 05:21
    (This content has been automatically translated from French)
    It's been 4 years now I use this on my headphones plugged synths.
    I think it sounds great unlike an opinion that I read.

    It sounds really isolates and has a good collection outdoor gnral made.
    One thing is for sre, it is not for monitoring because too gnreux on some frequencies.

    In short, a good headphone costs.
  • zwanzezwanze

    Sennheiser HD 270Published on 11/16/07 at 14:05
    (This content has been automatically translated from French)
    For use as I do, frankly no complaints.
    this headphone is perfect for Dj. its insulation can cost the treble when sometimes you only as a REFERENCE to sync your bpm.
    I also like the single-wire cord that will quickly strangled you every time you remove it. the only small BMOL unlike what t says lower is its fragility. sound insulation pads are fragile trs a sweat or moisture and it tends to dsagrger. around the plastic foam fix what is broken so if you do not pay attention. such as if you stuck in your tank between the vinyl and the wall of the fly. but frankly, this headphone is a pure wonder for a good price.
  • rytmicrytmic

    Sennheiser HD 270Published on 04/13/09 at 10:13
    (This content has been automatically translated from French)
    I use it for 3 or 4 years.
    what I like most is the clarity of sound
    what I like least is that the sound passes through too.
    At the time I did pay almost 200 e crois.today I was far better for the price.
    and no, for he is good as HEADPHONES but not firm enough to work pro.
    to see what we want to do.
  • FrancisLALANFrancisLALAN

    Very good headphones

    Sennheiser HD 270Published on 11/11/10 at 14:39
    (This content has been automatically translated from French)
    Bought 100 or 110 € there are over 8 years, he has just made the soul (bow broken beyond repair) after all these years of hard use in computer music, gaming, listening to music. As it is no longer manufactured, the epitaph is a bit that I reserved ;-).. but also a tribute to the quality of manufacturing at Sennheiser.

    Level sound quality: very, very pleasant to use, even for hours, though too generous at low frequencies. Having said that, with practice, you get + - to compensate for the mix.
    For me, the sound insulation is very good: I bought a closed circumaural expressly to get away from a bunch of noise and I was not disappointed.

    Construction: copy. Although I may have taken care, …
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    Bought 100 or 110 € there are over 8 years, he has just made the soul (bow broken beyond repair) after all these years of hard use in computer music, gaming, listening to music. As it is no longer manufactured, the epitaph is a bit that I reserved ;-).. but also a tribute to the quality of manufacturing at Sennheiser.

    Level sound quality: very, very pleasant to use, even for hours, though too generous at low frequencies. Having said that, with practice, you get + - to compensate for the mix.
    For me, the sound insulation is very good: I bought a closed circumaural expressly to get away from a bunch of noise and I was not disappointed.

    Construction: copy. Although I may have taken care, it is often dropped, often dragged into bags filled to bursting to go to work in LAN, etc. ...

    The strong point is that you can change some parts like cables, pads and capsules. Example: There is 2 years, capsules and dropped the heavy heart, I was looking for a replacement that is the height (anything below 150 € suited me) and I ended discover that you could order the parts: for 22 € ... I ordered 2 capsules and presto: after 10 minutes of haggling, a headphone almost brand new! What you ask for ...

    It 2h y ', I take in hand ... clack, the bow loose without warning. Funny end ...

    Finally: the next will be a Sennheiser, without hesitation.

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