Moog Music Minimoog Voyager - moosers's review
The Minimoog Voyager is an analog synthesizer with three octaves and a whole lot of knobs. It also has a pitch and modulation wheel and pretty standard inputs and outputs. The Voyager has all types o…
Moog Music MicroMoog - FP User's review
I think the "Micro" is underrated. It doesn't feel like a 1 OSC synthesizer... I think it is due to the routing otions combined with the "modes" of the filter. I am still explorin…
Moog Music MemoryMoog LAMM - FP User's review
This synth is 99,9 % complete. The usual Memorymoog lacks MIDI, but with this L.A.M.M. (Lintronics Advanced Memorymoog Modification) every parameter can be controlled by MIDI. There is 6-voice polyph…
Moog Music Minimoog Voyager Rack Mount Edition - son of the doctor's review
-monophonic (one note at a time) analog synthesizer. -six octave steps. -Audio out right and left (mono), ext in, filter audio in, Midi (in,thru,out), two standard male DB-25 connector. -Bank with 12…