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TOLIS Group BRU Producer's Edition

TOLIS Group developed ts BRU Producer's Edition (PE) data backup, restore and appliance solution.

BRU PE Specs & Highlights
  • Drag-and-drop volumes, folders, or session files from major applications for intuitive backup operations into Producer’s Edition.
  • Create two (2) tape copies of the same data simultaneously (Doubler Archival Mode™) — thereby eliminating the need to perform two discrete backup operations for local and archival or deliverable asset copies.
  • Tape Library Support up to two (2) drives and 24 slots.
  • Engineers/Users can choose to create a single archive element containing all assigned components on one set of backup tapes, multiple archives containing one or multiple components on a single set of backup tapes, or multiple tapes with one or multiple components per tape.
  • Specifically designed to create session archives.
  • Binary & PPC or Intel processor compliant.

BRU PE is said to be multi-processor and multi-core aware and compatible.

TOLIS says recording engineers and operators can simply drag-and-drop session files, volumes, or folders into the PE environment for easy creation of the archives. Applications currently supported by this functionality include: Sonic Studio™, Logic®, Final Cut Pro®, Soundtrack Pro®, and select others.

Pricing & Availability
BRU PE is now available for download and purchase. To download a full functionality demo, or view BRU PE video tutorials, visit the product page at www.productionbackup.com.
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