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Denon DJ DN-S1000
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s-albert s-albert
Published on 06/15/06 at 01:33
"Old" DJ I have long made my night with vinyl ... APRS a break of several years I return to the market with the cd.
So I bought a pair of Denon 1000 15 days ago. Compact, easy to grip (2 hours with the help of a little manual for some functions) and extremely effective! Numark Axis 9 J'hsitais between these and Denon. The MP3 ct I chose the Denon.
The report is qualit.prix Obviously it is excellent and quick profitability trs (1 evening the pair should pay you ...).
For it is not against a platinum hip-hop, scratching is not empty. For accessories lctro, dance, ... it's really perfect!
I do not want my "old" but when I remember kilos of bins, terrible manipulations to make the mixes ..... We will not complain of any default of a small CD players that are really great and give back the urge to mix and make beautiful accessories ..... Attention kids!! the old back! MDR