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Numark AXIS-9 CR
Numark AXIS-9 CR

Tabletop DJ player from Numark belonging to the Axis series

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djboss001 djboss001
Published on 02/12/06 at 04:01
Exellent product, however, a default, the function can be put DCON scratch sometimes (very rarely though). When this problem occurs the plate stop reading, however, we note that continuing the ds you touch the carcass, so I connected the land mass disassemble lgrememnt the plate, and since then I have no problem with, no bug, reliability exellent!
Once this problem rsolu the Axis rvelle its full potential, according scratch + 7 other effects with their variants, two perfect curls, master tempo, pitch 6/12/25/100% of time boot and arrtrglable, calculataur bpm prcis enough, high brightness screen etc. ....
In short this deck is really perfect for the mix and comes much cheaper and offers a CDJ1000, little prs, the same functions. Everything's fresh sonovente.com 349!