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Pioneer CDJ-400
Pioneer CDJ-400

Tabletop DJ player from Pioneer belonging to the CDJ series

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Dj guitariste popo Dj guitariste popo
Published on 05/16/09 at 12:43
Corrections of my opinion! After a year my two decks had the same problem jog. A plate had no brakes so the jog turns like a spinning top and the other slow more ... Trsdcevant for products and pay the price with the renamed.
Here is more of an ego that my platinum party APRS Repair Tool and pass a call to the store I just learned how silent blocked because they lacked a pice. What a solid ...
A friend who bought the plates a few months after I had dja felt a change at the jog (his turntables are also Repair Tool) and I have yet to test any new CDJ-400 and yet on this new sensation jog ... I think the changes are made as and nothing but good on ...
My decks have always handled with great care t and never out of the box Flyght. Here I hope that my problems are going to jog s'amliorer!
As if his walk is the potato the decks! =)