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Pioneer CDJ-400
Pioneer CDJ-400

Tabletop DJ player from Pioneer belonging to the CDJ series

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Carpenocturn Carpenocturn
Published on 05/12/09 at 03:36
I use them for 1 year

- USB Cl
- The effect Roll
- Vinyl mode
- Its precision


The BPM counter (a breaks mix). Put some tape on it. A mix is ​​the ear.
Dja a problem with the select push. When I press, the plate s'teint and restart.

I tried the JB System => From
So I pass on the CDJ-100: :-)
Then, because of some minor problems with the 100-S, I bought them.


It is expensive. Of course, I can hear: "But it's the Pioneer!"
Ok, this is the brand most rpandue in the world of mix. Saying has, I said it all. It achte the machine not for its name but CHARACTERISTICS.
What j'prouve is the lack of competition. The Drive (and I am the first to do so) but it leaves no chance to break through to the other makes.

- With the exprience, you do again this choice? ...

Sincrement, I do not know. I would go for a ride in competition.
And if nothing really good about is I would stay home.