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Pioneer CDJ-400
Pioneer CDJ-400

Tabletop DJ player from Pioneer belonging to the CDJ series

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arizona65 arizona65

«  good machine »

Published on 11/14/11 at 01:40
I bought this new Platoche in 2009.

As for the other models tested, no I have not done, I stayed on the Pioneer since I started but I tried for 2 months a Audiophony CDX6, too complicated and problems with it. I have owned the cdj 100s and a cdj200 cdj 350. What's more, aside from the quality of the plates either in the solid sound quality, everything is good.

Other people will see in Pioneer expensive machines, where you pay the brand, I do not quite agree. Yes it's expensive, but when I see that I have owned a CDJ 100 s for 5 years with no problems with regular use, others do not necessarily. Another example, the keys are hard plastic and strong, other brands of caouchouc that bar at the end.

So yes all apparaeils fail, I am not an electronics but I'm sure. But there are devices that last longer than others.

Regarding features, everything has already been said. I like the three built-in effects, it scratch the function, reverse. Good after I use it almost not be said that the scratch is not perfect and precise it is better to buy the models above.
What happened to me interesting is the USB port because it's convenient, it is not constantly trying to burn CDs, and also the display of titles that I is compulsory from 'working with the mp3.

As against what I find disturbing is the waiting time before reading the USB drive if it has a lot of titles.

Price / quality ratio, I find it a bit expensive like all Pioneer products, but as I said above, the quality is there. With this machine, we're going to Essenciel, not something useless or difficult to resolve.

As for the choice, I do not think I will redeem this machine for two simple and practical reason, not because I had problems:
-The first thing is that this model not been manufactured since replaced by the CDJ 350
And the second reason is that I can not afford to have old hardware, so I repeated frequently, but as I said in the first reason, we find nine more.