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Pioneer CDJ-800 MK2
Pioneer CDJ-800 MK2

Tabletop DJ player from Pioneer belonging to the CDJ series

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Reynna Reynna
Published on 05/14/07 at 03:03
- How long have you use it?

About 1 month of use

- What is so special that you like most and least?
The Pros:

The ergonomics of work, a simple connection, the affected ...

At this level there is more to say:


-Problems reading, Scratch and Roll-up ... stop playing

-The solution to this problem is to Burn CDs at low speed (speed required: 2x to 4x) to get the best possible quality
"Since I burn all my CDs at that speed I was no longer any problems"
"BUG" MP3:

-Tempo Stalling Problem, Can not read it, Snap Loops ...
-The only solution is TOTALLY BANNNIR MP3 Format
"Since I converted my mp3 to wav, I have a better audio quality (I hear the sound less dull, more standardized) and the timing of the Tempo is rigouresment more precise"
- Have you tried many other models before buying it?

Yes to almost everything that can be found on the market today, I had the chance to test all materials in one magazine "Music & Key" in St Nicolas in Belgium.

- How would you rate the quality / price?

The quality is there and the price too.

- With experience, you do again this choice? ...

Yes again even 1500 Euros for the pair