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Thread Tascam M-520 toxic odor

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Topic Tascam M-520 toxic odor
I recently bought a Tascam M-520, however, when I got it home it filled the room with this very toxic smell that gives you a headache whether the board is turned on or not. The board is suppose to functional and lights up and everything though I haven't run any signals through it yet! I had to get it out of the house because of the smell and have no idea what is causing it! I unscewed the modules and looked underneath but cannot get a fix on where the smell is emanating from! I thought maybe someone out there might have some ideas or has experienced this problem with their Tascam mixing board! I have had to use an exhaust fan in my studio room just to be in there but still get headaches from the smell! Recently, I:( moved it out to the shed because my wife is pregnant and the odor has to be toxic. Help! Please email me any ideas!