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Thread Full Rider Remix Contest: Win $5,000

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Topic Full Rider Remix Contest: Win $5,000

Have a chance to win $5,000 in the Full Rider Remix contest.

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Download Remix Sample below


Remix or cover Full Rider's "Just Wanna See". Sample the .wav file above or create your own version of the song. The grand prize winner will receive $5,000USD and have a choice to release an album or single through Dingus Records.
5 runner ups will receive $1,000USD.
The winner's song along with 5 runner up remixes and/or covers will be released on a compilation album through Dingus Records and all artists will get a share of any royalties the album makes.
All genres are accepted and I mean all genres. Vocals or lyrics are allowed to be added in addition to the original acapella. Using samples is allowed and encouraged.
You have to be at least 13 years old to enter. Contest is free to enter and open to all countries and territories. All Submissions must run over a minute but under 10 minutes. Songs must be submitted in mp3 format with an encoding of at least 192kbps.

Email all songs to fullremix@rocketmail.com with the word Full Rider in the heading.
Your submission will still be received and heard if it gets into our junk folder.
Entries are due by February 13,2011. Submissions will be reviewed and all winners will be notified by email before Feb 20, 2011.
Happy Remixing