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< All Fender American Standard Telecaster [1988-2000] reviews
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Fender American Standard Telecaster [1988-2000]
Fender American Standard Telecaster [1988-2000]
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iltizzone iltizzone
Published on 01/07/08 at 15:02
It is a US, mine produces t in 1992 (signature heel of the neck)
What the silent era MODEL cheaper than other blondes MODELS Vintage / butter. But the silent quality to trs suprieure Squier! (But not that much better forcment good Mexican or Japanese)

It possde a heavy body and pais
The painted versions are a collage of four spices and sunburst (like mine) have more plating on 2 sides
So do not dcap these bodies, it is not beautiful, only heavy!

The handle is a pice Saddle, 22 jumbo frets (1 + a vintage), trs good mcaniques Fender oil bath, the key is a bomb Vintage However, much less a Start. This is a handle end and enjoyable, particularly because of the varnish.

The bridge is the modern "flat" with 3 screws, six bridges, rope traversing.

The pickups are American Standard, pleasant surprise, they sound really loud with little background noise. The grain compares favorably with the Seymour Duncan providing an output volume lev.


The handle has everything to be good, including a rglage tilt, a truss rod efficient and sensitive. The jumbo frets are a plus for the accuracy and sustain, even if the look is vintage forget. And it's a "one piece" stocky, and therefore sustain Twanggg ensured to satisfy the telephiles.

Yet the beginners ... How dception play impractical pass the 12th box!
I have to go to Providence, not the quitar n'tait RULES, confirm diagnosis with Michel SCAMPI. Michael thank you for giving me you rgl this guitar!

This could be understood on an instrument that avcu, but the new guitar silent! O scandal, unjustifiable, shame Fender (who was going through an objectionable PERIOD).

It's a telecaster, those who want to pass the 18th fret pais stumble in the heel of the body and that's not to blast the pentatonic between the 19th and 22 th.



TELE this is quite versatile, c'tait the wish by launching The series Fender American Standard.

The micro bridge is no surprise teleconventionnel, thanks to a good bridge twangg flat copper plate and the microphone. It has the PCHE and more with the rest prcis kross distorzion. Beware the terrible precision that does not forgive, your wrong notes come out stronger than the fair!

The neck pickup is a pleasant surprise compared to the traditional vintage neck. the volume output is identical to the micro bridge (!), and grain frankly think a Start in a small hair less bright, however (forcing cover). Dlicieux with a small dose of pitcher. Moreover, unlike conventional Tle, this microphone is screwed on pickgard not the wood, as a Start!

The balance bridge / neck allows to exploit the fun because prcis intermdiaire trs.

Lovers of vintage tele neck, go your way, that the micro only has the look together, in fact it sounds like a Start.

And me? I use the Standard and well for all styles!


Well ... l I arrter to speak well and tell you how an American Standard behaves 16 years of service supported.

The first thing that is irritating the body weight, just on pnible scne and a source of hassles like gnions the varnish compounded by the inertia of the shocks.

The advantage ... sustain.

The handle multiple NCESS rglages and grinding frets, however, he still frets his home is an advantage of jumbo, they wear less. near the junction with the body blows of the mediator is dcap thin veneer on the sidelines. Rest assured, nothing more or less than another subject to the same guitar evidence.

The bridge problem arises because of the binding screws rpt bridges (steel / steel), the replacement as the only solution. This is an avatar that should do well laugh owners trestle bridges copper or bronze!

on the other hand, no aging of the hardware, the mcaniques are soft, the knobs are soft and have never spat same for the selector. I've never even had the right to gag the jack that moves the body, yet something about the current Telecaster.
The pickups are still pechus

However I would advise any buyer of this passage in the SERIES luthier!