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< All Fender American Vintage '52 Telecaster [1998-2012] reviews
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Fender American Vintage '52 Telecaster [1998-2012]
Fender American Vintage '52 Telecaster [1998-2012]
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Alyvest Alyvest
Published on 11/02/04 at 09:56
This guitar was manufactured in the United States does.
It possde Saddle of a handle 21 frets. The handle is one pice (no wood diffrent for the key).
The body is Frne.
It has two single coil pickups, volume and tonality and a slecteur three positions. The bridge is a vintage bridge.


APRs have tried, and so used the sleeves Gibson, I find nanmoins trs enjoyable to touch and it has a good jouabilit. The hardness of the Saddle I have not shocked.
The handle end is wide, but I find it more extensively than pais other sleeve latest issue
Access in acute is marked by the pan shot, but like most of tl 21 boxes ...
I am however tonn weight-General for the guitar. it seemed that the more silent tlcaster lgre even if the body is in the frne. Any fawn I'm used mahogany "Les Paul" ...

Regarding the sound, this guitar is a real pleasure! sound in the bridge position is typical tlcaster ... it is not my position prfre although it sounds. As we shuffled against ds at the two microphones or as one moves to the neck pickup, a large palette of sounds monstrous opens us ...


The sound of this is really tlcaster trs enjoyable, though brilliant but at the same time soft playing effectively on the Tone or positions microphones.

The sound of the neck pickup is not made to do or because it mtal cash badly pronounced distortion. Currently I play a marshall JCM2000 and Marshall 1960A cabinet.
For all the sounds rock, jazz or crunch is terrible.

I plan to change the bridge pickup while asking the maker to keep a good balance in position with two microphones. I'd have the good guitar lends itself to all styles! ;-)


I bought this guitar ax United States two months ago and I fell in love. Yet I am rather aficionados of his Les Paul but tlcaster really sound and spirit part, it's really enjoyable to play diffrent but trs and costs.

I think the sound is much more interresting tlcaster that stratocaster sound (my opinion).

If it was again: All the same!