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Fender Highway One Telecaster [2006-2011]
Fender Highway One Telecaster [2006-2011]

TLC-Shaped Guitar from Fender belonging to the Telecaster series

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spacepat spacepat
Published on 04/04/08 at 04:44
Value For Money : Excellent
United States Highway 1 Telecaster upgraded.
Version with maple fingerboard.
For other features, see the previous opinions.
What caught my attention was the finish. For the US IS A BIT OF M. ....
Let me explain, it's not me satin blocks (I rather liked), it is the fault of the varnish: the back, an area of ​​6x1 cm or varnish is rough and almost not at all Satin (style of the guy who takes the part with a dry cloth before what is, farewell the damage. On the top of the box, a brand that after expansion (2mm. around, I know I am Peignet, but we must be critical here , right?) is one that would have left a hair trapped in the paint before drying, the controller saw the end of the race, withdrew and then tried to polish the body (for reflection, we can see a more polished area the rest), BUT NOT THE HOLE CA Recap! (Although it is microscopic to 50 cm can be seen more). I could have tested the warranty, but since I bought it mail-in action (18 % cheaper), thinking of the risk during transport by post, I thought it was a lesser evil as the rest was fine. For these details I put to them than the average is all they deserve NA!


I like the handle, it is quite easy. I am more used to playing on Les Paul, but this one, the shape and satin ASPEC convinced me, for my part I like.
Access to acute, it's like a Les Paul, no less.
For me, it is rather light (yes, I'm rather Les Paul and there is really heavy) and I like less. on the other hand after 1-2 hours of intensive use standing Fender thank you for once I had the shoulder almost intact.


For style, I'm pretty Rock-Blues, with some incursions in the right hard in the early 70's. I played on a Marshall Valvestate 8080. Blues-rock side if it is the top, Hard by side against it a little too "light" for my taste, this lack of "fat" (which is exactly what I like a Led Zep / Kiss / AC-DC to Deep Purple in Blackmore with his Start), but for that I spell my Les Paul. At this point, I felt weak single coils. But not only, also at the level of noise. But it's not new, since the mere existence is their main weakness. For sound, I'm more a fan of K. Richards, but I did not used to single coil microphone, I was surprised one or two adjustments on my amp and shoo, I had the "Bigger Bang "Jagger and his mates at home. Me that I won and it was enough for me.


I bought this scratch for the legend and because it was U.S., at an affordable price. After having played for my part, in its mechanical and, I think it offers great value for money. on the other hand, side finishing, I'm a little disappointed with Fender. If I compare with my Les Paul (1 standard gibson, epiphone custom 2), play in two entirely different course. For the US, I would even say that they tend to sleep on their cloud, because I think Asians are beginning to offer almost better, more attractive prices (I know, labor, and badada and badadi, does that ...) If it again, I think so, but with a slight hesitation a Japanese reissue 52, possibly a classic mex 50's, though. If I do not put more than 7, it is only because of the finishing Rican. Otherwise I would rather typed 9.