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Fender Special Edition Esquire Custom Celtic
Fender Special Edition Esquire Custom Celtic

TLC-Shaped Guitar from Fender belonging to the Esquire series

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Published on 10/25/06 at 13:38
It is a gray metal guitar mahogany Korean (Fender?) Colé with handle 22 boxes and a big fat double (atomic humbucker 2), bridge (fixed and traversing ropes) ... not very common in fender all that! !
Side setting, well we have a volume knob and that's it, bizare but hey, it's a minimalist guitar roots see a choice, a style!


The guitar is very light and very pleasant to play, so the table scultée gibson (scultée the table, the set neck, mahogany ... it is rather the habits of people in Kalamazoo that;)) and the cut-back strato way make it very comfortable and the handle, the handle O, slim (like a can ibanez) is very effective, this guitar can forget to no more than an extension of our fingers! (Fayot!)
Namely, the Uncommonmenfrommars Ed plays on the same violin!


Well faisont the math: a micro volume = a + a sound, but what a sound, long live the California! It sounds very Fender like double, it is certainly powerful, very well balanced, but there have that little something of his that is the strato and we love ... or not!
Simply put, the guitar is ideal for a play punk / rock / metal with no frills, a sound, but good! I played on one of Valveking peavey and it sounds fine as long as it's rock (high ), a friend jazz is not for you!


I had a release in 2003 and I do not separate them for anything, I bought it after having had a standard telecaster because I love the look but as I played the punk, I needed a double and it was my sweet, I love her simplicitée, robustness, ease of games ... I tried a esp ltd-style explorer (the one with the big aluminum plate so) but for the same price (a is close), the fender was so much more carractère, if you like the concept is that of happiness!