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TLCpro AMS 1 - Soie - kravatorf's review
translatedI heard this pair of fawn Retailer pregnant at a collective cost and I have guards test for a few weeks they are powered speakers, well finished, the volume and weight of worry, with a set of corr…
TLCpro AMS 1 - Soie - jpramette's review
translatedI bought these speakers about three months ago and I must not be dcu good Itis true that before I was working on the speakers hifi teac not necessarily very neutral, but I had the opportunity dja w…
TLCpro AMS1 - Titane - sub94's review
translatedI needed a pair of monitoring after the listening I've found it excellent! small home studio with Mackie table. SOUNDS Before buying, jai had the opportunity to work in the studio with the tan…