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Behringer Eurolight LC2412
Behringer Eurolight LC2412
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« Toy console »

Published on 06/13/15 at 06:55
Value For Money : Poor
Audience: Anyone
I purchased the LC2412 to use for a small lighting setup for my regional sound co. I would never depend on Behringer audio gear for a pro situation and should not have depended on this either. The console was not user friendly but after the hurdles of programming the console worked fine until after about 6 shows. Right before a show, the console would no longer output DMX. Fortunately I had a computer/entec backup to get through the show or it would have been in the dark. We hooked the console back up at the shop but it would not work. It was a little out of the one year warranty period and I emailed customer support but they never replied. I now pretty much consider all their stuff to be toys.