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Fame Studio 84

All user reviews for the Fame Studio 84

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  • bassiste1984bassiste1984

    Fame Studio 84Published on 10/31/08 at 11:01
    (This content has been automatically translated from French)

    * 50 Watt
    * 4x EL 84 / 2x AX 7A/1x EM 84
    * 2 channels
    * 1x 12 "Celestion Vintage 30
    * Effective Way
    * Hall
    * Labelling completely in German
    * Coiled by hand
    * Output external speaker
    Dimensions (W / H / D): 60 x 50 x 26 cm
    Very nice finish, hand made.
    The lamps are JJ Tesla.
    I like the EM84 is a light that visually shows the "push" the amp. Basically, the more stronger, the lamp turns. Very handy.


    Setup is very simple. Cons by the knobs are in German, but not it's not difficult to find.
    No manual.


    After a few minutes heating lamps, you get a sound quite right.
    Me, I play metal and this is amply sufficient 50w.…
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    * 50 Watt
    * 4x EL 84 / 2x AX 7A/1x EM 84
    * 2 channels
    * 1x 12 "Celestion Vintage 30
    * Effective Way
    * Hall
    * Labelling completely in German
    * Coiled by hand
    * Output external speaker
    Dimensions (W / H / D): 60 x 50 x 26 cm
    Very nice finish, hand made.
    The lamps are JJ Tesla.
    I like the EM84 is a light that visually shows the "push" the amp. Basically, the more stronger, the lamp turns. Very handy.


    Setup is very simple. Cons by the knobs are in German, but not it's not difficult to find.
    No manual.


    After a few minutes heating lamps, you get a sound quite right.
    Me, I play metal and this is amply sufficient 50w. Unless you play a block in a rehearsal room ... ill disposed

    Hot and sweet. Tend to quickly cruncher.

    Hot and greasy, but happiness! Good distortion with a particular grain is what makes his personality.

    The speaker is a Celestion V30 true happiness, the definition is excellent.


    I have this amp for 6 months.
    I love the combo format, which allows you to use this amp at home and in rehearsal. It hurts when you pay for a tube amp does use repetition in 3 hours per week ... There is not the case. It is heavy by Assé cons.
    -The speaker V30
    -Quality flawless finish
    It's hot and greasy
    -Handles on the sides

    The -:
    The clean-crunch that a little fast

    I bought this amp 650 €, a true case. This amp is actually manufactured by Laboga Poland (yes, it's marked on the back), then redistributed under the brand Fame by MusicStore.
    The price / quality ratio is unbeatable.
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