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Fender Blues Junior
Fender Blues Junior
brassneck54 brassneck54
Published on 01/08/07 at 08:13
15 W lamp, good power compared to 30w including a transistor.
HP 12 "that ensures effective communication


Not really need a manual.

Fender clean sound very very accurate (I mean many more things than my Laney LC50 tube!)

Crunch possibly a bit limited but good, and a pedal that's all.


With the right gear, you can still play many styles; 15w tube fender with HP 12 "leaves a lot of opportunities here!

Afterwards, simply adding or multi-effects pedals quality, to expand the whole.

But at minimum, good basic sound, well-defined, well distributed there is any evidence.


Very wise choice if:
- Choosing a tube amp at reduced power but sufficient
- Not too expensive
- Not too heavy, not too big
- Good quality

Really nothing to do with the multiple at 30 W modeling market. There was good stuff simple, sturdy, which has been proven over the years and great sound!