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Fender Hot Rod Deluxe
Fender Hot Rod Deluxe
almighty almighty
Published on 01/20/09 at 09:17
Everything has been said or almost ...


Configuration most smple ever!
Get some sound is a bit more complex than the configuration of the amp: p
The manual clearly as a manual .. It will not tell you how to get a sound of a particular category ...


Obviously for me because before buying an amp, I go to the shop with my guitar and try and try .... always in the same room with the same guitar ...
I play on an American vintage strato 62 '. Fender is the sound, though present on the bass and treble, roundness and warmth. Nickel is the drive for music played by legendary Fender, overdrive is too crunch to my taste and I think this is not the first destination of this amp.


A little over a year of use now and I still can not fully exploit it (probably impossible to go around).
Love the sound of fenders, I had this amp and not another, even after trying an AS50, a vox ... etc. On a marshall sound goes well in my opinion (with my guitar), a Vox is less good.
I obviously do it again this election, deliberate choice since I tried the amp before buying it.
The board of review before putting on unpleasant amps, one must first try it with his own guitar, take the amp that goes with the guitar for types of play .. To my mind the amplifiers are manufactured to meet the styles of sounds and not others, fufu crunchy distortion rather turn you into a marshall with a SG, or a fly rather than saying that a hot rod is bad to play this type of sound ...