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Fender Hot Rod Deluxe
Fender Hot Rod Deluxe
the bluesman the bluesman
Published on 01/26/07 at 23:08
Value For Money : Excellent
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I put 9 for the equalizer but good common gene not really ca ...


So the setup is super simple, we really do not need the manual that is clear enough but not very complete ... finally it's what Fender.
Otherwise we get a good sound right away, so just play around with the equalizer


Then it is happiness, really it matches exactly what I was looking
I play blues, blues / rock, hard rock and funk and all the sounds that I can ask for these types of music
I played with a stratocaster deluxe us and customized ibanez and it is superb
with fender sound was very crystalline and very pure then I get an Ibanez with the sound that approximates a sg.
Contrary to what many people say the overdrive channel is operable to play the blues.


It's been a week since I play with every day
the +: sound and uh bah voila, I like the look too
the -: not really I do not see the
If it was a remake ... I'll wait a bit before I answer this question yet far enough away.
The value for money is good I think.