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Fender Hot Rod Deluxe
Fender Hot Rod Deluxe
MGR/david somebody MGR/david somebody

« Fender Hot Rod Deluxe »

Published on 03/30/05 at 14:00
I got this amp at guitar center in California just about 3 months ago. I first got it due to my guitar teacher recommending it to me. It is a GREAT amp. One of the LOUDEST amps out there. The list price is around 599.99$ but i got a good deal on it for 519.99$. It is totally worth the price.

I like the clean channel. It makes even my worst guitar sound great and it gives the classic Fender tone. Also the amp is very loud.

Somethings i dont like is the Drive channels. If your looking for a more distortion sound. I would suggest buying a pedal. Also the volume controls are alittle too sensitive.

It is well built. Very strong and can probably take a few beatings and still be good to go.

THIS AMP IS OVERALL GREAT. You should take no hesitation in buying it

This review was originally published on http://www.musicgearreview.com