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< All Genz-Benz El Diablo 60-C reviews
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Genz-Benz El Diablo 60-C
Genz-Benz El Diablo 60-C
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robert27 robert27
Published on 10/22/08 at 07:12
TYPE DAMPLIFICATION at all five lamps in total
POWER 60w 30w swithable easily by placing cross behind the amp
CONNECTIONS could not be more clear a simple 2 channel one channel saturates true


Extra simple configuration
clear-channel bass mid treble
Distortion channel on bass mid treble contour reverb on both channels
knob for more than three attacks
with respect to any of the manual in English is too bad c


Then move on to something serious on the ITS is super clear sound I play with a baja tele and tele neck set and so good c is a real clear sound even better to see a twin that I know what I have cause d by a
for the channel saturates all possible kinds of fat saturation blues to heavy metal genre
but what I prefer c is the clear crystalline really hope I play mostly blues genre srv no problem and it sounds great


I used the day for a month I had a lot of classic 30 amp fender mesa
and c is far below that removes the more my attention is very versatile
you can just ask him
for value for money c is super as this brand is not selling it the selling off
I got them was the 1400 euros it is usually twice more makes us c is
by a small company of 12 people in Arizona this is what I can say
j for the moment I put around 10 because I do not see at this time to defects
If c had to be rebuilt for the price buy the j deuxiemeje reminds the RPIX is 1875euros nine second hand it is very rare and can reach 1500euros