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Hughes & Kettner TubeMeister 18 Combo
Hughes & Kettner TubeMeister 18 Combo
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olive2012 olive2012

«  Good little amp, very convenient »

Published on 07/29/13 at 03:13
all-tube amp
see the rest of the net


very good manual
easy to use


Style played blues hardrock.
clean channel no saturation on 3/4 of the races in single micro and 2/3 in doubles. So it's great.
The cleans are nice but sometimes a little crystal, it is not worth such a fender blues junior but in his defense the TubeMeister has an HP 10 "while the Junior Blues, a 12". This allows for a smaller amp but with a little less bass (heat / round ..)

Reproach: The clean channel has trouble cashing the distortion pedals, which quickly become nasal must lower the treble knob to bottom and also limit the pedal if possible to find a less shrill sound.
This disadvantage is less present on the lead channel as two channels have an internal equalization (not editable; no knob) and different in the case of lead channel, the distortion pedals out better. But usually the pedals are used on the clean channel just to switch because the lead channel has a clean sound (so little gain) less beautiful.
In short it is a shame ..

I think the lead channel very successful, the distortion is very beautiful.
Reproach the boost / saturation sends a too high level compared to the rest. can be useful for a big solo and cover the rest of the world but generally impractical. Should have been able to manage the level of boost.

Sun: its very successful and realistic. No brainer on business and it makes the job in the sound. opposed to 2notes torpedo cab with all its settings mind. Even compared to the pod xt pro sound of the DI is good. After that will never be worth a microphone jack ..

Power Attenuator: The big advantage of this amp is perfect.

Reverb: does the job but nothing special

Comprehensive level connectivity, all that's missing to Fender!

weight: light for a while and portable lamp


1 weeks.
amp always used: Fender Blues Deluxe / Pevey classic 30 / blues junior

Very good amp to play at home until the small club / bar / repeat
The report size / sound quality is very good