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Laboga Blaster 100 Custom

All user reviews for the Laboga Blaster 100 Custom

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  • GgLaTulipeGgLaTulipe

    Laboga Blaster 100 CustomPublished on 01/19/08 at 04:19
    (This content has been automatically translated from French)
    Amp Polish manufacturing, handmade, including PCB and components including military grade (former Red Army)
    List Price: € 1250 (the model is no longer manufactured)

    - Power: 100/50w (switchable)
    - Tubes: 4 x 6L6 (amplification), 3 x 12AX7 (preamp), 2 x 5C3S
    - 2 channels (clear and overdrive)
    - Correct mode switchable (tube or diode)
    - EQ common to both channels,
    - Inputs "high" and "low",
    - Volume control for clean channel, gain and volume for the channel "Overdrive"
    - Master general
    - Switchable channels with pedals,
    - Switches "bright" for two separate channels,
    - Overswitching on relays,
    - Input effects loop,
    - Spring reverb with switchable pedals …
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    Amp Polish manufacturing, handmade, including PCB and components including military grade (former Red Army)
    List Price: € 1250 (the model is no longer manufactured)

    - Power: 100/50w (switchable)
    - Tubes: 4 x 6L6 (amplification), 3 x 12AX7 (preamp), 2 x 5C3S
    - 2 channels (clear and overdrive)
    - Correct mode switchable (tube or diode)
    - EQ common to both channels,
    - Inputs "high" and "low",
    - Volume control for clean channel, gain and volume for the channel "Overdrive"
    - Master general
    - Switchable channels with pedals,
    - Switches "bright" for two separate channels,
    - Overswitching on relays,
    - Input effects loop,
    - Spring reverb with switchable pedals
    - DI output with simulated HP
    - Output impedance 4, 8 and 16 ohm,
    - Weight: 20.7 kg,


    A simple and intuitive but still need some time to test the various sound combinations offered by this amp (100/50w - switchable, tube or diode - switchable ...). We find very quickly a very good sound and good balance of level between the channels.


    - Music style: Pop / Rock see more ...
    - Guitar used: Fender American Deluxe Telecaster
    - The clear clean sound typed "Laboga". The settings panel allows you to easily switch to a crystal-clear sound fatter. In short a beautiful clear sound that is the strength of this amp. Need I say more ... tube amp ... Try to make your own opinion.
    - Overdrive: One thing that is, the overdrive channel pushed to its maximum will give a big crunch. However, its very hot and snoring (again ... tube). For RCOK and it is therefore necessary to provide an aditional overdrive.


    - Having played for two years on a Mesa Boogie combo "single correct" I am not disappointed with this new Acquisition (to believe that the Polish working hands as well as hands-American ... But shhh, it's a secret !)
    - The only flaw is the channel a little saturated but Gentillet problem solved by the acquisition of overdrive.
    - Offers multiple quality settings.
    - Force: the light
    - Unique Look ... and this model is no longer manufactured, which adds a bit of character;)
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