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Vox NT15H Night Train
Vox NT15H Night Train

Tube Guitar Amp Head from Vox belonging to the Night Train series

SlapKid SlapKid

«  You will not sleep much this night train! »

Published on 03/29/13 at 08:24
Purchased in October 2012 on a whim really, and I'm sorry (for once).

The reason is this: the machine accepts no baffle under 8 ohms, all configs boxes I have available I can never more than 5.3 ohms so tintin.

In addition, no effects loop, and I hate sounds saturax dry. Of course this group is less critical, but then it will be rather directed to a bigger amp so it is a pity that all this must not listen to the moon ...

All lamp, even the ac power section 15 according to manufacturer triode mode available, switch saturax ditto, very active EQ efficient (more than zero sound).

I AC15 and I wanted the equivalent laptop is missing the two amps have nothing in common.


Very simple to use if you have the right impedances box.
Very little residual noise, a lot of gain available.

The sound is immediate, it is very sound in pan.
In fact those who laughed when they saw the thing not laugh when they hear more!

So we can say, no making head, it sounds without turning knobs hours is effective situation, and a 412 with a drummer playing nasty carefree.


Okay it sounds presto, but how? I was disappointed because I expected more or less one AC15 pocket there is not. So I compare and here:

The sound is much harder, lack of flexibility and musicality, the wooded side of the AC15 disappears completely brief Vox has created a new amp here.

on the other hand you earn his saturax versatile in its range gain, but you need to choose as it is not foot switchable.

With this kind of minimalist amp you inevitably end up with a pedalboard on clean channel, not dreaming, and then the ac 15 is much nicer weight apart.

The clean volume available is amazing, it's really hard, you can play funk group carefree, and the relative hardness of assistance even to pierce the mix.

So together with the AC15 output stage does not crash and remains clean, not surprising that the design recipe to make since the dawn of time!


Well, we relativized by the fact that I was expecting something else, not the fault of the amp huh.

I notice that on the other hand is that all the amps I've had tubes between the legs, those are always hard sound active equalization. Those passive equalization are softer but actually quite inefficient (when it's not unusable as top boost channel of AC15).
I will sell the nighttrain to move on, new side equalization.

I think the baxandal installed on ampeg guitar amps, it seems to be both gentle and highly effective.

It remains, however, that this is a very good nighttrain amp actually going to try before you buy because I do not agree with those who find typical vox.