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Amt Electronics SS-20 Guitar Preamp
Amt Electronics SS-20 Guitar Preamp
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Hakeem Hakeem

«  Excellent .... »

Published on 08/04/10 at 13:10
This is a 3-channel tube preamp, the size of a pedal ... good pedal, good size ...
Level connections, it is in the basic ... Input, Output / Output emulation with HP ... and send a return rather convenient!
RAS ptits guys TN went to the basics, and we expected no less ...

Small downside, however, avecc food "specific" (requires 12V) power supply thus more in the bag ... but hey, we live with it ...


Level configuration is designed as a classic amp ... 2 buttons for switching, channel clear channel crunch and overdrive channel. However, an attention button for switching to the crunch saturated, so better not be wrong ...

As for the button, rather well done, maybe a bit tight ... So it is better to its setting, quietly ... I do not venture too much of a modified live a full knee to the "one ".... again

Sounds obtained relatively easily, as long as you have already used the EQ to tweak an amp ... But not rocket science ...

The manual, I do not have open ...

I find it really convenient to use, put on your desk, and connected to the soundcard, I can play with headphones all night without disturbing anyone, and with a pure sound quality ... one imagines, also for scenes of modest size at which point it may be convenient to have the preamp in his jeans pocket ... (Well, need a big pocket, but in a baggy fit AC!)


I read here and there that the sounds were of the Fender crystal clear sound for up to Mesa for the bass distortion, through Vox to Crunch ...

Well, then I say, do not get carried away ...

For my part, I think the clean sound lacks a little fishing ... and we must push the button to gain 3 / 4 for the record ... and that, whatever the guitar (Gibson or Fender ...), but hey, once the volume properly adjusted, I find the clean sound, really good, fairly precise and crystalline.

The crunch sound is very pleasant, I find it versatile, and really respect the character of the guitar, and also the attack, it can quickly climb to the edge of bad crunch / overdrive, really stunning ....

Finally, the distortion, it is really good, AC is sending, it can be guts, but always accurate ...

EQs are precise, and working them can quickly approach a great sound!

The original lamp is a Sovtek 12AX7. I changed to a ECC83 Tesla, the (good) advice of a AFien on the forum. And the sound is really gaining in heat ... Not that the original is missing, but there was one really made warmer, and I found many prcécis than the original, and all this for 12 € .. .


I have now for over a year ... and I'm happy ... I thought to part with it, at a time when I was doing some cleaning in my pedals, but after reconnected ... Impossible! I, I keep it.

I admit to not having tested other preamp in this format, but I tested enough amps for short, to know that this pedal is really great! (Relatively speaking ... of course ...)

It is difficult to find a fault ... otherwise the price, me at the time I paid € 350 ... okaz but today it is found in the 200/250, so it's more a fault its price too ...

I resigned without a problem! A thank you (bsolutely) M (erveilleuse) T (echnology)!